Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall and 5k

Ok so I did a 5k in which I didn't work towards I just did it.. Needless to say I am proud but wish I would have planned better for it. I dont work out I eat rather unhealthy and then forcing my body to do this stuff it boycotts me. Oddly I dont feel too sore but the sore throat I was fighting won.. I am losing my voice and my throat is killing me. Blah! To top it off rich has been throwing up and andrew is snorting because his sinuses are backing up.

On a good note fall is around the corner. It is by far my favorite season. Its not too hot not too cold and if you live up north the trees turn such pretty colors. I love what you wear around fall too.. Boots and sweaters.. leather jackets and scarfs, plaid and vest. Hot coco mmmmmm... I have been looking around.. I want some Ankle Boots, Knee High Boots, Biker Boots, I love the folded over boots! I am in love with the new jackets this year my top 3 are: Stoosh Military Jacket, Leather Military Jacket, Ruffled Leather Jacket!

That is all for now the medicine is kicking in :(

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Weight Loss

So I was told I should blog more.. That I am generally always up to something and that people (well some) enjoy hearing about it.. At the moment I am trying to not let my ADD ways foil me losing weight. I have had many stages from my all teen years till about 19 I weighted anywhere from 115 - 125. At 19 I became prego with my first child. I had a very bad time with being prego I got sick I got up to 190. After having andrew I weighted anywhere from 175 - 155. At the moment I sit at a rather sad 165.

(loading pictures on here sucks or is that just me)

I would like to get back to at least 130. Once 130 we will see. But I have been lazy having pity party for myself.. So now no more! At least I hope. I would like to be at least rather close to my goal weight by my 25th birthday. I have been sad and lazy for almost 5 years now.
I hate life changing things. I am not good at change. I always default to bad habits. I am hoping this time it sticks. Seems all my friends around me and family are losing weight. So that will be part of my blog.

Other parts will be about family events, my crazy projects, the fact my hair changes like my cloths and whatever else comes to mind.. I wouldn't rely on these being wonderful or even consistent, but its worth a shot! Till next time!