Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Skinny Dress

Hola my lovely ones! I have been looking around to see about a sexy dress for my anniversary if I get to my goal weight... Here are a few I like:

I would also love something deep crimson red with black lace. I have been pretty good so far. I have tried my best to stay on track even if I do not beat my parents losing weight is a great gift! I am trying my best to grow my hair back out. I want it to grow out a good 7-12 inches. I read it will take approximately 2 months for your hair to grow one inch. I may look into buying clip in extentions until I get there though. I can use them even once my hair has grown out to make my hair seem fuller so I am ok with that too. They are pretty spendy though which sucks.

Kendra's Weight Loss

Tonight isn't my best night either I had a 1 scope of ice cream and I was suppose to do zumba but wasn't home until 5:55pm without dinner. I still walked away with 193 calories remaining but with my 2 walks at break for 15 ins each. If I keep this up then no weight loss and my mom is doing 10 mile jogs. BLAH!


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