Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So I am thinking I am going to have to go back to the doctors. I have been up and down this road with them for a good 4 years now... Shortly after having Andrew I started having stomach issues. I got sick after every time I ate. At first it was just a stomach ulcer. Nothing helped so onto gallbladder which I had removed still nothing so they said I had to get use to not having a gallbladder so I waited a good year then onto the ulcer again. So they finally sent me to a specialist who said I have IBS. Lately though I haven't been stressed but the attacks are AWFUL! I am fine and then the next moment I am ready to hit the floor curl up in a ball and die.. I get goosebumps its so bad. My whole body feels like its over heating and I have this pain for a good 15mins to 2 hours. So I am going back to the regular doctor and giving him a piece of my mind! This is just stupid!!! The attack is so painful it sometimes hurts all up in my chest so I dunno I think that screams more then an ulcer and IBS can be bad but the medicine isn't touching it at all.

I have been trying to catch up on House but half the episodes aren't working..

So lately I have LIVED in a funk a bad funk where my head and mirror dont match so then I refuse to try. I see no point in it if I don't feel amazing which is silly and that is why we call it a funk.. Hoping I work past it soon... I miss my long hair I found this pic:
I think I look nice... haven't felt I looked nice in a few weeks now.. but then again I haven't tried very hard and I have looked like hell so its not helping... but I cant seem to get up and go. I need to run and eat healthy and start trying in everything... Just hard...

I want to shape my eyebrows.. I let them grow out to the scary point and had them waxed... yeah they looked nothing like the photo below:
So I am trying again! I hope I can get them to a nice point. Well I am gonna relax... Shower time!

Monday, October 4, 2010


I am watching House and can't sleep. So I am going plan Train Party and Surprise Rich! Andrew has never had a party and he asked if he could have one... He is IN LOVE with Thomas the Train! Like love love love.. So we are having a train party. I am working on a guest list of boys and decor! I have the cake picked out other then my mom said I should get ice cream cake which giving me ideas leads to other thing which leads to other things. I am like House in how you say something which gives him an idea and hes off... I do that.. Its rather evil..

I am sad in my attempt to surprise people. I got hair extensions. I know rich loves my long hair but I wanted to try short.. I rocked it I am over it but until I can have long hair I must fake it.. So I am going to "attempt" making his fav dish of the moment which is macaroni chicken parm. I also want to make the dessert we got there last time I LOVED it.. what?? I am cooking I get a treat! I want to do it just because hes been rather amazing lately. I try to live in these moments where life doesn't seem to get in the away and you just enjoy one another. Its so hard with how crazy life can be. Plus its nice to feel specail.

I am also working on my mom and dads anniversary SHHH she may read this so HAH i'm not telling!!!

What else.... Ohhh I need to get cracking I have a goal of being 125. I want to be at least to be in the low 140's by I am 25 so that is a pound a week untill my b-day which is 4 months or 21 weeks. I also want to grow my hair out a good 12 inches.. I read your hair grows half and inch every month so I have a ways to go :( Until then here are hair I could try along the way...

Short with bangs my hair is still a little shorter then this one.
I LOVE this one... not sure how she styles it tho..

Cute long layers!

The Goal!!
Well boys and girl I am tired! Night!